SaaS Essentials

Build Smarter with Payload 3.0 & Next.js Starter

This template has what you need: Auth, Stripe integration, and CMS, all supported by Payload 3.0 for unmatched scalability and control.


Build and ship sites faster

Streamline your process with a scalable design system, featuring global styles and customizable components.

Payload ❤️ Next.js
Direct access to headless CMS features within your Next.js code.
Auth.js with Payload
Own your user data with Auth.js directly integrated with Payload.
Global Storage Solutions
Speed up content delivery with S3 and Cloudflare R2.
Developer Productivity Suite
Refine code and manage assets with Prettier and SVGR.
Stripe Integration
Simplify payments with seamless Stripe integration.
Deploy modern UI components quickly and easily.

Questions? Answers.

As a fairly seasoned developer, I wanted to share a robust, ready-to-use template that leverages some of the best modern technologies for SaaS development. This page is part of my personal project to demonstrate these technologies and provide a practical starter template for individual developers.

I envision this boilerplate as a time-saver for developers who wish to jumpstart their projects without the hassle of setting up everything from scratch. While what you see here is primarily a demonstration—including this FAQ block—the actual codebase is built to be highly adaptable for diverse SaaS applications.

I love Payload CMS for its developer-friendly setup and its seamless integration into the TypeScript ecosystem. Everything being configured in TypeScript is a huge plus for maintaining control and flexibility. The ease of extension and support for different database adapters like MongoDB and PostgreSQL are also significant advantages. This FAQ block is just one example of how smoothly Payload can be woven into a Next.js framework.

I plan to continue refining and enhancing this boilerplate based on my own insights and exploration of new technologies. If you have suggestions or need help understanding how to use this template, feel free to message me on Discord.

For any feedback or queries, I'm readily available on Discord. While this project is a personal endeavor, I'm open to sharing knowledge and helping others get the most out of this boilerplate. Remember, this page is mainly to demo the project and the FAQ block, so direct interaction will be the best way to dive deeper.